Gambar Sampul Bahasa Inggris · Chapter 1 Offers and Suggestions
Bahasa Inggris · Chapter 1 Offers and Suggestions
Mahrukh Bashir

23/08/2021 09:08:49

SMA 11 K-13 revisi 2017

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ISBN: 978-602-427-106-0 (Jilid Lengkap)978-602-427-108-4 (Jilid 2)HETZONA 1 ZONA 2 ZONA 3 ZONA 4 ZONA 5Rp12.500 Rp13.000 Rp13.500 Rp14.600 Rp18.700 Bahasa Inggris ● SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XIBahasa InggrisBahasa InggrisBuku teks Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan siswa dalam menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Fokus pembahasan buku ini adalah peningkatan keterampilan terhadap fiksi maupun nonfiksi, seperti keterampilan menulis undangan, menulis lagu dan puisi, laporan, teks eksposisi, serta menanyakan dan mengungkapkan pendapat.Buku ini memperkenalkan berbagai jenis teks dengan tema yang berbeda-beda sebagai sarana untuk mengaitkan konsep yang dipelajari dengan konteks sehingga siswa dapat mengembangkan keterampilan berbahasa, keterampilan berpikir kritis, serta keterampilan abad ke-21 yang meliputi kreativitas, kemampuan bekerja sama dan berkolaborasi, keterampilan komunikasi dan media literasi. Kegiatan-kegiatan pada buku ini bertujuan memunculkan dan memperkuat daya kreatif dan imajinatif dalam diri siswa.SMA/MA/SMK/MAKKELASXI
ISBN: 978-602-282-479-4 (Jilid Lengkap)978-602-427-108-4 (Jilid 2)HETZONA 1 ZONA 2 ZONA 3 ZONA 4 ZONA 5Rp11.000Rp11.500Rp12.000Rp12.900Rp16.500 Bahasa Inggris ● SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XIBahasa InggrisBahasa InggrisBuku teks Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pe mahaman dan kemampuan siswa dalam menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Fokus pembahasan buku ini adalah peningkatan keterampilan terhadap fiksi maupun nonfiksi, seperti keterampilan menulis undangan, menulis lagu dan puisi, laporan, teks eksposisi, serta menanyakan dan mengungkapkan pendapat.Buku ini memperkenalkan berbagai jenis teks dengan tema yang berbeda-beda sebagai sarana untuk mengaitkan konsep yang dipelajari dengan konteks sehingga siswa dapat mengembangkan keterampilan berbahasa, keterampilan berpikir kritis, serta keterampilan abad ke-21 yang meliputi kreativitas, kemampuan bekerja sama dan berkolaborasi, keterampilan komunikasi dan media literasi. Kegiatan-kegiatan pada buku ini bertujuan memunculkan dan memperkuat daya kreatif dan imajinatif dalam diri siswa.SMA/MA/SMK/MAKKELASXI
Hak Cipta © 2017 pada Kementerian Pendidikan dan KebudayaanDilindungi Undang-UndangDisklaimer: Buku ini merupakan buku guru yang dipersiapkan Pemerintah dalam rangka implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Buku guru ini disusun dan ditelaah oleh berbagai pihak di bawah koordinasi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, dan dipergunakan dalam tahap awal penerapan Kurikulum 2013. Buku ini merupakan “dokumen hidup” yang senantiasa diperbaiki, diperbaharui, dan dimutakhirkan sesuai dengan dinamika kebutuhan dan perubahan zaman. Masukan dari berbagai kalangan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas buku ini.Katalog Dalam Terbitan (KDT)Indonesia. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.Bahasa Inggris / Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.--Jakarta : Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan,, 170 : ilus. ; 25 cm.Untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI ISBN 978-602-427-106-0 (Jilid Lengkap)ISBN 978-602-427-108-4 (Jilid 2)1. Bahasa Inggris -- Studi dan PengajaranI. JudulII.Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan420Kontributor Naskah : Mahrukh BashirPenelaah : Emi Emilia dan Helena I.R. Agustien.Pereview : Lina Mulyanti.Penyelia Penerbitan : Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud.Cetakan ke-1, 2014 ISBN 978-602-282-482-4 (Jilid 2a) ISBN 978-602-282-483-1 (Jilid 2b) Cetakan ke-2, 2017 (Edisi Revisi)Disusun dengan huruf Calibri, 11 pt.
KATA PENGANTARPertama-tama saya ingin menyampaikan rasa syukur kepada Allah Swt (Tuhan Yang Maha Esa) karena berkat rahmat dan karunia-Nya lah buku teks pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI ini dapat diselesaikan. Sejalan dengan Kurikulum Nasional yang dirancang untuk menyongsong model pembelajaran Abad ke-21 yang di dalamnya menekankan pembelajaran aktif yang mendorong siswa untuk mencari tahu dari berbagai sumber belajar, bukan sakadar diberi tahu. Buku ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu sumber belajar yang dapat membantu meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam berbahasa Inggris. Kegiatan-kegiatan yang disajikan di dalamnya diharapkan dapat menginspirasi guru-guru, untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang aktif, kreatif, dan menyenangkan sesuai dengan tuntutan Kurikulum Nasional. Perkembangan dunia pendidikan dan era teknologi informasi saat ini, semakin meningkatkan peran bahasa Inggris dalam pembelajaran, mengingat banyak sekali sumber belajar dalam bahasa Inggris dibanding sumber-sumber lainnya. Makin datarnya dunia dengan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi menyebabkan pergaulan tidak lagi dapat dibatasi oleh batasan-batasan negara, dan hal ini semakin meningkatkan kebutuhan terhadap penguasaan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pergaulan dunia. Buku ini menjabarkan usaha minimal yang harus dilakukan siswa untuk mencapai kompetensi yang diharapkan. Sesuai dengan tuntutan Kurikulum Nasional, siswa diajak untuk berani bereksplorasi mencari sumber-sumber belajar yang terbentang luas di sekitarnya, tanpa kehilangan konteks budaya di dalam negerinya sendiri. Peran guru dalam meningkatkan dan menyesuaikan daya serap siswa dengan ketersediaan kegiatan pada buku ini sangat penting. Guru juga diharapkan dapat memperkayanya dengan kegiatan-kegiatan yang relevan berdasarkan kreativitas masing-masing.Semoga keberadaan buku ini memberi manfaat bagi upaya peningkatan kualitas pelaksanaan pembelajaran di Indonesia, khususnya pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Atas kekurangan-kekurangan yang ada pada buku ini tentu penulis menyampaikan permohonan maaf yang sebesar-besarnya dan dengan terbuka menerima masukan dari para pembaca dan pengguna buku ini.Jakarta, Februari 2017Penulis Bahasa Inggrisiii
Daftar IsiKata Pengantar............................................................................................iiiDaftar isi......................................................................................................ivCHAPTER 1: Offers & Suggestions..............................................................1A.Pre-Activity......................................................................................2B.Building Blocks.................................................................................4C.Let’s Practice....................................................................................8D.Active Conversation.........................................................................14E.Writing Connection..........................................................................15F.Let’s Create/Contribute...................................................................16G.Formative Assesment......................................................................17CHAPTER 2: Opinions & Thoughts..........................................................18A.Pre-Activity......................................................................................19B.Building Blocks.................................................................................20C.Let’s Practice....................................................................................25D.Active Conversation.........................................................................27E.Writing Connection..........................................................................28F.Let’s Create/Contribute...................................................................30G.Formative Assesment......................................................................31CHAPTER 3: Party Time..........................................................................32A.Pre-Activity......................................................................................33B.Building Blocks.................................................................................34C.Let’s Practice....................................................................................39D.Active Conversation.........................................................................40E.Writing Connection..........................................................................42F.Let’s Create/Contribute...................................................................43G.Formative Assesment......................................................................44CHAPTER 4: National Disaster-An Exposition.........................................45A.Pre-Activity......................................................................................46B.Building Blocks.................................................................................47C.Let’s Practice....................................................................................52D.Active Conversation.........................................................................53E.Writing Connection..........................................................................56F.Let’s Create/Contribute...................................................................59G.Formative Assesment......................................................................60Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAKiv
CHAPTER 5: Letter Writing.....................................................................61A.Pre-Activity......................................................................................62B.Building Blocks.................................................................................63C.Let’s Practice....................................................................................68D.Active Conversation.........................................................................70E.Writing Connection..........................................................................71F.Let’s Create/Contribute...................................................................72G.Formative Assesment......................................................................73CHAPTER 6: Cause & Effect....................................................................74A.Pre-Activity......................................................................................75B.Building Blocks.................................................................................76C.Let’s Practice....................................................................................79D.Active Conversation.........................................................................82E.Writing Connection..........................................................................83F.Let’s Create/Contribute...................................................................84G.Formative Assesment......................................................................85CHAPTER 7: Meaning Through Music.....................................................86A.Pre-Activity......................................................................................87B.Building Blocks.................................................................................96C.Active Conversation.........................................................................97D.Formative Assesment......................................................................98CHAPTER 8: Explain This!.......................................................................99A.Pre-Activity......................................................................................100B.Building Blocks.................................................................................101C.Let’s Practice....................................................................................107D.Active Conversation.........................................................................108E.Writing Connection..........................................................................109F.Let’s Create/Contribute...................................................................112G.Formative Assesment......................................................................113ENRICHMENT: .......................................................................................1141.Can Greed Ever be Satisfied?..................................................................115A.Pre-Reading Activities......................................................................116B.Reading Activity...............................................................................117C.Post Reading Activity.......................................................................120D.Personal Journal Writing..................................................................1212.Can Greed Ever be Satisfied?..................................................................122A.Pre-Reading Activities......................................................................123B.Reading Activity...............................................................................124Bahasa Inggrisv
C.P ost Reading Activity.......................................................................126D.Personal Journal Writing..................................................................1273.Hopes and Dreams.................................................................................128A.Pre-Reading Activities......................................................................129B.Reading Activity...............................................................................130C.Post Reading Activity.......................................................................132D.Personal Journal Writing..................................................................1334.Vanity, What is Thy Price........................................................................134A.Pre-Reading Activities......................................................................135B.Reading Activity...............................................................................136C.Post Reading Activity.......................................................................142D.Personal Journal Writing..................................................................1435.Benefit of Doubt.....................................................................................144A.Pre-Reading Activities......................................................................145B.Reading Activity...............................................................................146C.Post Reading Activity.......................................................................150D.Personal Journal Writing..................................................................1516.The Last Leaf...........................................................................................152A.Pre-Reading Activities......................................................................153B.Reading Activity...............................................................................154C.Post Reading Activity.......................................................................157D.Personal Journal Writing..................................................................1587.Father of Indonesian Education.............................................................159A.Pre-Reading Activities......................................................................160B.Reading Activity...............................................................................161C.Post Reading Activity.......................................................................163D.Personal Journal Writing..................................................................164References............................................................................................165Profil Penulis.........................................................................................167Profil Penelaah......................................................................................168Profil Ilustrator......................................................................................170Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAKvi
2 Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Semester 1 With a partner read the conversaƟon given below:ConversaƟon 1Jane: Hi JohnJohn: Hi Jane, What are you doing?Jane: Nothing much. Would you like to go to movies?John: I would love to but not right now.Jane: How about in the a�ernoon?John: Great! What movie do you want to watch?Jane: Let's watch “Ring”.John: I would rather not. I am not much into horror movies, how about Peanuts?Jane: Ok. Let's go. When do you want to go?John: 4 o'clock show.Jane: It sounds good. Okay, see you then!ConversaƟon 2SiƟ : Hello Jane !Jane: Hi SiƟ!SiƟ: You look Ɵred what is going on.Jane: I am working on my project paper it is due tomorrow. I don't think I will be able to finish itSiƟ: Would you like any help?Jane: Yes, please. I would really appreciate it.SiƟ: Tell me what can I do and I will start right away.Jane: Thank you! You are an angel.What kind of interpersonal transacƟon is going on in the two conversaƟons given above? Write down your answer here.With a partner, read the conversaƟon given below.ConversaƟon 1Hi, John.Hi, Jane. What are you doing?Nothing much. Would you like to go to movies?I would love to, but not right now.How about in the a�ernoon?Great! What movie do you want to watch?Let's watch “Ring”.I would rather not. I am not much into horror movies. How about Peanuts?Ok. Let's go. When do you want to go?4 o'clock show.It sounds good. Okay, see you then!Okay, see you!What kind of interpersonal transacƟon is going on in the conversaƟon given above? Write down your answer here.A (Source: Kemendikbud) (Source: Kemendikbud)Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK2
2 Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Semester 1 ConversaƟon 2Hello, Jane.Hi, SiƟ.You look Ɵred. What is going on?Would you like any help?Yes, please. I would really appreciate it.Thank you! You are an angel.Tell me what I can do and I will start right away.I am working on my project paper. It is due tomorrow. I don't think I will be able to finish it.What kind of interpersonal transacƟon is going on in the conversaƟon given above? Write down your answer here.With a partner, read the conversaƟon given below. (Source: Kemendikbud) (Source: Kemendikbud)Bahasa Inggris3
8When making suggesƟons, we o�en use the following expressions.Let's ...Why don't we ...?We could ...What about ...?How about ...?I suggest that ...You might want to change ...I think ...I don't think ...SuggesƟng and OfferingSuggestmeans to give a suggesƟon that is to introduce or propose an idea or a plan for someone’s consideraƟon. SuggesƟons are abstract and can be in form of soluƟons, advice, plan, and idea. For example:- Let's finish our homework first.- Let's go home. Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Semester 1 It can be accepted or refused.Social funcƟon: to facilitate interpersonal communicaƟon between different peopleBKelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK4
9- Let's go to the library.- Let's go to movies.- Why don't you do your homework before going out?- We could eat at home today.- What about eaƟng at the new place?- How about going to Sam's place first?- I suggest that we call it a day. - You need to change your sleeping habits.- I think you should go and meet her.- I think we should do it this way.Bahasa InggrisLet's take a look at the sentence structure to suggest something.IWeIIWeIsuggestrecommendproposeput forwardadviseadvocatethatthatthatthatthatthathe clean his room.she read “The Hunger Games”.a report should be sent in.we work together on this.he work hard.we support them in every way possible.SubjectVerbThatObjectTable 1.1 Sentence structure to suggest somethingBahasa Inggris5
10When making offers, we o�en use the following expressions.May I ...?Can I ...?Shall I ...?Would you ...?How about I ...? Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Semester 1 Let's go to movies.Why don't you do your homework before going out?How about going to Sam's place first and then to the supermarket?I think you should go and meet her.AccepƟng SuggesƟonsDeclining SuggesƟonsNo, thank you. I do not feel like going.Sorry, I think I will go out first and then do my homework.No, Let's just go to the supermarket.Sorry, I can't. I have previous engagement.Making SuggesƟonsAccepƟng SuggesƟonsMaking SuggesƟonsDeclining SuggesƟonsYes, let's go.Ok, I will.Yes, let's go. It is a good idea.Ok, if you say so.Offer means to give something physical or abstract to someone, which can be taken as a gift or a trade. Offer can be given in terms of food, money, solutions, friendship or a bargain. It can be taken or refused.Social function: to facilitate interpersonal communication between different people.For example:- Shall I take you home?- Do you want help with your homework?Responding to SuggesƟonsTable 1.2 Responding to suggesƟonsKelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK6
11- May I give you a hand?- Can I help you?- Shall I bring you some tea?- Would you like another piece of cake?- How about I help you with this?- Can I clean the car for you?- Shall I help you with your homework?- I will do the washing, if you like.Responding to OffersAccepƟng SuggesƟonsDeclining SuggesƟonsMaking SuggesƟonsAccepƟng OffersMaking OffersDeclining Offers Can I help you?Shall I bring you some tea?Would you like another helping of cake?How about I help you with this?Can I take you home?Yes, please. I really appreciate it.Thank you, it is very kind of you.Yes, please. That would be lovely.Yes, please, that would be very kind of you.Thank you, I appreciate your help.It's okay, I can do it myself.No, thank you.No, thanks. I don't want another helping.Don't worry, I will do it myself.That’s alright, I will manage on my own.Let's take a look at the sentence structure to offer something.WouldShallCouldWillyouweIyoucare for another cup of tea?take you there?offer you something?have tea with that?ObjectModal VerbSubjectBahasa InggrisTable 1.3 Responding to offersTable 1.4 Sentense structure to offer somethingBahasa Inggris7
131. Hey SiƟ, ____________________ go star-gazing tonight? a. ac. shall them re you b. how about d. would you like to2. Sam: “Would you like to go watching a movie this weekend?“Carly: “I can't, I am low on cash right now. ____________________ stay at home and watch TV instead.”a. How about c. What about b. Let's d. I think3. What shall we do today?____________________ we go to the library? a. Shall I c. Why don't b. Let's d. Would you4. ____________________ like a cup of coffee? a. Can I c. Would you b. I'll do d. Should I5. ____________________ the washing, if you like. a. Can I c. I'll do b. Would you d. Let's6. Edo: “I have a lot of work to finish; I don't know how I will manage.“Sam:” ____________________ half of it if you want.” a. Would you c. Why don't b. I think d. I will help you with7. Carly: “I submiƩed my essay to the teacher a few days ago, but I haven't received any response from her.”Edo: “____________________ go and ask her?” a. Shall us c. Why don't you b. I'll do d. I proposeA. Choose the best opƟon for each sentence given below.Bahasa InggrisCKelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK8
8. ____________________ get you a drink? a. Would you c. Can I b. Why don't you d. I'll do9. Aisya: “I am so thirsty.”Annie: “____________________ get you something to drink?” a. How about c. Why don't b. What about d. Can I 10. ____________________ like me to clean your car? a. How about c. Would you b. Let's d. I thinkB. There are some grammaƟcal errors in the sentences given below. Circle the mistakes in each sentence, then rewrite the sentence. If there aren't any mistakes, put a Ɵck mark next to the sentence.1. Let's to go to the sushi of restaurant for lunch. ____________________________________________________________2. Shall we do have a meeƟng on a�ernoon Saturday? ____________________________________________________________3. Can I do get you a glass juice of? ____________________________________________________________4. Let me take you home. ____________________________________________________________5. If you want, I'll car the wash for you. ____________________________________________________________14 Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris9
6. Shall home we go now? ____________________________________________________________7. Would like you another glass of juice? ____________________________________________________________8. You should finish you work today. ____________________________________________________________9. Can I take help you with something? ____________________________________________________________10. Shall I bring your jacket? ____________________________________________________________C. Respond to the suggesƟons and offers given below.1. Can I help you? ___________________________________________________________ 2. Why don't you go and get something to eat? ___________________________________________________________3. Why don't you join us for lunch? ___________________________________________________________4. Shall I bring a book to read? ___________________________________________________________15Bahasa InggrisKelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK10
16 5. Why don't we meet at the bookstore tomorrow at 5 p.m.?___________________________________________________________6. Let's all eat together. ___________________________________________________________7. Would you like a glass of water? ___________________________________________________________8. Would you like me to do the ironing for you? ___________________________________________________________9. I will wash the car, if you like. ___________________________________________________________10. I think we should go and pick your father up from the airport. ___________________________________________________________ Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris11
17D. Complete the transacƟonal conversaƟons based on the suggesƟons and offers given below. The first one is done for you.1. At the AirportThis is a conversaƟon between an airline counter aƩendant and a customer.2. At the Hotel This conversaƟon is between a concierge at a hotel and a customer: Thanks. Good night.Good evening. Can I help you?Good evening. Yes, please. I would like a room for the night. (Source: Kemendikbud) (Source: Kemendikbud)Bahasa InggrisA: Good morning. Can I have your Ɵcket, please? Do you have any luggage?B: Yes, one suitcase.A: Please place it here. Would you like a window or an aisle seat? Ok, sure. Is there anything else I can do for you? You are welcome. Here is your boarding pass. Please be at gate B 30 minutes before boarding. Have a nice flight!Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK12
3. What Movie Should We Watch?This is a conversaƟon between two friends.4. At a StoreThis conversaƟon is between a store aƩendant and a customer.18RomanƟc movie. I don't like romanƟc movies; Let's watch something else.What kind of movie?Let's watch a movie.Hi there, how can I help you?I would like to return this shirt for a refund.What is the problem with the shirt? Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Semester 1 (Source: Kemendikbud) (Source: Kemendikbud) (Source: Kemendikbud) (Source: Kemendikbud)Bahasa Inggris13
20Use the thinking technique, to offer and suggest “THINKPAIR SHARE”a soluƟon to the problem given below.You came to know that your friends had a fight. They are not on talking terms for some Ɵme now. Since you are a common friend, it is difficult for you because you want to hang out with both of them but they can't stand each other. You have to find a way to offer and suggest a soluƟon so that the fight is over.SHAREThen share the outcome of your discussion by acƟng it out in front of your teacher and classmates.THINKAbout the suggesƟons and offers you can make to solve the problem.PAIRIn pairs, discuss the best suggesƟons and offers. Give at least four. Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Semester 1 DKelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK14
21With a partner, choose a topic of your choice. Write a dialogue using suggesƟons and offers.Bahasa InggrisEBahasa Inggris15
22Choose one of the following acƟviƟes for your project.1. With a partner, come up with ideas and suggesƟons to improve the English environment in your school. Make a poster and put these ideas and suggesƟons on the poster and share them with your teacher and classmates.2. With your partner, come up with offers to improve the English environment school. Make a poster and present it in class.4. Assume you and your friend win an all-expense-paid trip to the fisherman's village. Design a postcard about the locaƟon to send to your friends in other classes. For creaƟng the postcard, consider the following aspects:- you can consider the fact that there is an enchanted fish in the waters; - you can consider suggesƟng them visit the place;- you can offer them incenƟves if they visit the place.Picture 1.6 (Source: of poster3. With a partner, create a dialogue using suggesƟons and offers on any topic. Act this dialogue in front of the class.Figure 1.1 PosterFigure 1.2 Postcard Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Semester 1 Example of postcardPlaceStampHereMarkets in Indonesia sell almost everythingPicture 1.8 (Source: lunainternaƟ XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK16
DefinitelyMaybeNoNot at allYesThe story was easy to understand.I can tell the difference between offer and suggesƟon.I could write a dialogue between two people.My plan to overcome the difficulƟes of this chapterI can do this. Complete these statements.1. The most interesƟng thing I learned in this chapter was ___________2. The part I enjoyed most was ___________3. I would like to find more about ___________4. The hardest part in this chapter was ___________5. I need to work harder at ___________Read the statements below and Ɵck ( ) the opƟon that is most applicable to you.25Bahasa InggrisGBahasa Inggris17